Roses and Romance

        As soon as the calendar flipped on the day of February 14 an occasion that everyone know specially those who are with someone either they are married, dating, attracted, infatuated, inlove, crush etc... but if you're just like me who've celebrates valentine without partner, no need to worry because

valentines day can be celebrate with anyone, we can celebrate this loving tradition with simply someone we love; Family, friends and even classmates. This month of love, let us use this opportunity to share  bonds with someone we love  and learn about more about these tradition.


               Valentines day, the day where in images of different variety of flowers , tons of chocolates and

fancy dinners. It is an occasion that was often celebrated as a declaration of love, mostly romantic love. Most of the time, Valentines day is a cherished opportunity to express affections for someone they feel deep affection for. It is a chance to revive love and spark that once died, maintain commitment, and share romantic gestures. And according to National Geographic kids; The holiday we know today got its name from a man named Valentine. While a few different stories are told about what he did to inspire the holiday, many people believe he’s celebrated for his role as a Roman priest who helped couples secretly get married.

        The celebration surrounding this day actually has roots in an ancient pagan festival that started centuries before Valentine was even alive. Held in Rome each February, part of the event focused on bringing new couples together.

        During the festivities, it’s said that boys drew the names of girls from a container. The pairs would stay together during the festival, and some would actually get married when the festival was over. After Pope Gelasius I created St. Valentine’s Day, the festival turned into a Christian celebration that focused on the saint. The Catholic Church doesn’t recognize St. Valentine’s Day on its calendar anymore, but people throughout the world still celebrate the day.

        Ultimately, Valentine's Day, in its purest form, is a day to celebrate love and connection in all its forms. It's a reminder to appreciate the people we care about, to express our feelings, and to nurture the relationships that enrich our lives.

        Instead of getting caught up in the societal pressures and commercial expectations, let's use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to reflect on the importance of love in our lives, to appreciate the connections we have, and to find meaningful ways to express our affection for those who matter most. Whether you're celebrating romantic love, platonic friendships, family bonds, or self-love, the key is to make the day authentic to you and your relationships



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