Embracing the world full of html

Blog no.5

This quarter, i gain more knowledge and learned more things. This quarter, i dived into the world full html, css and of course lessons. As expected, I started with no knowledge about anything about html and css, but i left carrying the lessons and knowledge about html ang css. From the start of 3rd quarter, we discussed about html and right away I was able to gain knowledge and as the quarter goes by i was able to learn things like; how important html tag in every css, how sensitive html and css are, and other tags or attributes.

HTML is not that easy like it sounds like. Before you construct a whole file, you will go through challenges like me. On the process of making every HTML files, sometimes when we were doing activities, there were times where in I put tags by mistake or have a missing tags. Just by this little mistake, who knows that it can crash your file. This have been my number 1 problem when it comes to html. Another one is time management. In constructing a html file, I need a lot of time specially since im not very good at computer and i can't type fast.

By this challenges that i faced while doing html files, i am also learning.
Like what i have said, i used to put tags by mistake or have a missing close tags, but now i was able to learn from my mistake and start to get use to it. As the quarter about to end, i started to notice that i rarely have a mistake on html file and starting to get along with it. And like what i have said, i used to have a lack of time doing my activity but recently i also started to notice how i can finish my activity under 45 minutes or before the ict time ends. I was able to address this problem by making my challenges as my ladder to learn and improve my computer skills

Moving on, I will make sure that the lessons and discussions that was thought to us will be with me forever. I will use my knowledge on computer on the future specially that my course might be architectural or business management. And also i will make sure that i will continue to learn and improve my skills. For the last and 4th quarter, i will surely apply my learnings if we will encounter again anything about html.



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