My new era
this new year 2025,is a time of joy, celebrations, excitement, new learning and changes. Changing old bad habits is something we should not be ashamed of and should be shared and acknowledge. Changes or new years resolution is very important on our lives because this sets our goal and how to be a better person. new years resolution is something that we planned to achieve. it is something that I promised my self that i want to achieve till the end of this year. its is something i want to change from what i learned the last year that think its better to change. there are changes that i really want to focus on- improving my art skill, achieving more goals, and be a better person.
My one of my new years resolution is improving my art skill. I have been learning and wanting to improve my skills on art. Yet for me it was not enough to be call an artist. So this year I will try my best to improve my art. Art is very important to my life because when for me doing some arts make me feel comforted. For example is when it was Christmas vacation and of course i have nothing to do when it was at afternoon, most of the time my family take a nap when it is afternoon, and arts saved my boredom. This made me realized that art is important to my life. Art made me also known to my family. When it comes to arts this made them remember me.
Last year, i received achievements just like; being a part of MAPEH club, baing part of the honor list, etc..
I like how clean your blog is, but I think it'd be better if you added a few photos.