blog no.1 (unique life)

 Unique life

Year 2009 at September 5th when my parent's second child was born. A Healthy with thick hair and brown skin baby was born. The day they can fully existing baby. That day they named me an unique name. I am Rhinelle Cassandra Ragasa. Since I was the only one with dark skin among my siblings, they decided that my name should also be unique.

I grew up with a big happy family. I have 2 sibling and i am the middle child. I am a girl who have many cousins to play wiyh. Although we all love each other, I have that one cousin that I am very close too. We both have the same hobbies like; playing video games, doing some arts, we both interested in instruments, we love thrifting clothes and many more. Since we both grew up together we also go to school together. She's my classmate since daycare to grade 6. We also have friends that also share memories with us. They were my first group of friends, but since we are now studying in different school, we don't stay together any more, but we still talks on phones. This present day I also met my newfriend group and we are all on the same class

My current life right now is fun but ofcource i still face many problems, Specially at school, but now I am managing it and facing my problem. I am now at 10th grade and I was having fun so far. My family supports me when I have problems, so with my friends. I realized a lot and learned a lot and I am ready to face any situations now.


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